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In one of my current projects, I needed to render some barcodes. Google has a nice “Code 128” barcode font which makes rendering a barcode in a website pretty easy. However, in this particular application, I wound up needing to render the barcodes as images since the HTML that I render is fed into a PDF creator that doesn’t support font-face CSS stylings.

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In my last post, I discussed some observations that I made regarding maintaining legacy web-sites. Although, afaik, all of the information I presented in that post is accurate, if you want to bring your old quirks/compatibility-view reliant page up to modern HTML5 standards, here are some tips.

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While testing a new application that utilizes my multiselect drop-down widget, I noticed some weird behavior with IE11.

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Earlier today I was playing around with Google’s Font API. I wanted to pull down OpenSans to host locally, but Google’s Font API is geared more toward utilizing Google’s hosting resources.

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Last month, I made a blog post detailing how to use CSS arrows as a progress indicator. I really like this and use it whenever I’m asked to create a wizard-like interface.

However, I discovered, after finally updating from IE9 to IE11 that there is a specific IE11 bug that reared its ugly head.

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Being a web developer, I’ve had my fair share of problematic IE behavior. Microsoft’s browsers up to, and including, IE11 are not very good in terms of standards compliance. This is pretty well known with web developers.

Well, after my post yesterday regarding CSS flexbox, I found that IE10/11 exhibit some odd discrepancies.

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Currently, I’m working on a web project that has searchable tables. The layout requires that the search results that is displayed in the table is scrollable. The idea behind this is such that controls to perform search, paging, and other functions on the table are always in view. There are buttons above and below the table.

If you recall my previous post about CSS flex-box, you saw how you can cause elements to grow/shrink as the browser viewport changes. This seemed like an appropriate technique to achieve what is essentially a vertical fluid-layout.

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Making arrow blocks in CSS is pretty easy. You can manipulate the borders of elements, create outlines with overlapping arrows, and other neat things.

One place where I’ve used this is for letting a user visually step through the process of a guided wizard.

Creating, for example, an arrow pointing to the left, we could use a DIV element like so:

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