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While working with an Angular application that involved selecting rows in a table with checkboxes, I found that the requirements necessitated having a ‘select all’ checkbox.

Selecting all elements is a common, and usually pretty easy, mechanism to incorporate. But, if you want an indeterminate, or tri, state, for your top-level checkbox selector, it becomes a little more involved.

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When I’m online with my banking site, or Pandora, I occasionally get those nice dialogs asking if I’m still around after being idle for a while. Sometimes, I think it’s a nuisance, but it can be a helpful security measure. It can also be beneficial in SPA-type applications.

With SPA’s, the user can perform so many actions in the browser that never make requests of the server. As a result, if we’re using a cookie-based security mechanism that has a short expiration time, they could be effectively logged out and not even know it.

This is a problem.

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A few weeks ago, I made this nice little side-bar that allowed a user to click an element and then perform actions on that element. They could also add new elements.

The idea of showing a quick animation for when a new element is animated using Angular’s animation framework sounded easy. However, it turned out to be problematic.

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One of the best features of Angular is also one of its most impactful on performance. That feature is two-way binding.

To achieve two-way binding Angular “watches” for when JavaScript objects change and when the DOM values change during Angular’s digest cycle. It’s not an extremely complex mechanism, conceptually, but it’s very effective.

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Yes, yes, you’ve probably seen posts regarding creating a modal dialog service before. I’ve been using one for a bit and wanted to share my spin on this concept.

Angular’s ui-bootstrap directives provide a lot of functionality out of the box. Having the $modal providers really make it easy to manage dialogs. While it is easy to create your own service that can create simple OK/Cancel requests, it is also pretty straight forward to create modals that let you pass data back and forth to your calling controller.

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In .NET when I’m dealing with WebAPI controllers, I like to secure them.  Typically, this is done with an [Authorize] attribute on the controller or the controller’s actions.

One problem that arises with .NET, though, is that a user’s auth token/cookie could be expired because they are inactive for a set amount of time.  Imagine that you’ve written a shiny new SPA-type web app and is SOA driven.  When the user resumes accessing your site, all of the API end-points will fail until the user logs back in.

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Request interceptors in Angular are extremely handy.  They are essentially like jQuery’s global settings for $.ajax requests.  There are some not-so-subtle differences and framework tie-ins as well.

One of the simplest things I like to use request interceptors is for displaying an activity indicator.  My favorite activity indicator is spin.js as well.

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I’ve been asked a few times why would you use the ui-Router instead of the built-in ngRoute.

I, not so succinctly, explained that it was because it allows for states and nested/hierarchical views.

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