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After using OWIN for months for basic OAuth authentication, it’s apparent that Microsoft is abandoning OWIN . This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. .NET Core is built on a similar structure as that which was implemented in OWIN. Essentially, we have a familiar middleware pipeline.

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Some of Microsoft’s built-in code generation/tooling is really janky. One such example is the code generator that will produce service references and proxy classes from a SOAP WSDL definition. I’ve never liked this particular feature of Visual Studio. The service classes themselves don’t play nicely with injection, behave strangely with instantiation, scoping, singleton patterns, and are generally so .NET 1.1…

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Since my foray into utilizing .NET Core to port an older CRUD app using Angular 1.x and Entity Framework 6.x, my first stumbling block is dealing with breaking changes between EF 6.x and newer versions of EF.

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Last night, I was playing with the latest .NET Core tooling in Visual Studio 2015 and decided to create an Anuglar2 application. It is not a straight-forward process. Additionally, most tutorials that you will see floating around don’t deal with Angular2 RC4 (v.Latest). And the few that do either aren’t Visual Studio 2015 specific or aren’t targeting ES5 as required by IE11 or older.

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My current single-sign server, that utilizes OWIN, does not store information regarding users’ identity. On the back-end, it makes LDAP queries to Active Directory to authenticate users and then makes additional LDAP queries to determine roles and authorization.

Since I’ve been playing with Azure lately, I wanted to re-tool this solution to allow toggling between a data-store for user identity information and Active Directory.

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If you recall my previous post on ASP.NET Anti-forgery configuration options, you may be familiar with the way the ASP.NET MVC AntiForgeryToken helper adds the “x-frame-options SAMEORIGIN” header to server responses. This header prevents different domains from displaying your site in an iframe. Your only option to manage this feature is to completely disable it.

An all or nothing approach to configuration is quite inflexible. Additionally, if we are using the web.config to handle our configuration, that too is pretty rigid and hard to manage.

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I’ve written a number of posts detailing running and working with stored procedures in Entity Framework 6.x. Yesterday, I ran into a weird issue.

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Previously, I wrote about parsing an Excel spreadsheet to a list of objects. This is a pretty useful technique, but what do you do if you want to provide the user with an Excel template to get started? Being able to provide them with an initial template based on your object model is a good starting point.

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Business people love their Excel spreadsheets. Fact. As such, I work with Excel a lot to parse and manipulate data. However, from a .NET perspective, Excel in its raw form isn’t overly useful. Being able to take an Excel worksheet and build a List<T> can be extremely useful.

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