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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about deploying multiple applications to Azure virtual directories from a single Git repository to Azure. That method works well. However, it by default only supports building and deploying a single .NET project. This was fine in my previously example in which only one of the deployment projects I had was .NET based. Using a custom KUDU script, it’s possible to deploy multiple .NET applications to the virtual directories from a single git repository.

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Ninject is one of the better dependency injection frameworks, IMHO. However, within the context of .NET Threads and thread pooling, scoping of objects doesn’t work quite as expected.

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For services that I write that repeat a task over a set interval, I generally use a simple repeater loop. For the cases where I needed a bit more granular control of how/when Tasks repeat, I created a simple scheduler with a Fluent API.

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Using Web.Config (or App.Config) XML files to store and retrieve settings for an application, imho, has always been a bit of a pain. Unless we write quite a bit of custom code, all we really get is a property bag of stings for our custom (user) configurations.

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In most of my projects over the past two years, I’ve used Log4Net for my logging needs. Log4Net does not work, currently, with .NET Core. However, it’s pretty easy to take advantage of the new built-in logging features to wrap the Log4Net database schema using Entity Framework.

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.NET doesn’t have a very good way, that I’m aware of, to limit the number of Tasks/Threads that can be running at a single time. This can create issues where, for example, you are queuing up thousands of jobs that run against a finite set of resources.

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Using LINQ’s FluentAPI, left/outer joins are difficult. With a little work, it’s possible to perform left outer joins, though.

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Using the .NET Core Middleware for request processing is, imho, not very well documented. There are a couple of things that are not obvious: retrieving query parameters and binding a request body to an object. To top things off, accessing the request Body has a few issues. Here’s how to deal with these scenarios.

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Over the past year and a few months, we, my coworkers and I that is, have been using an Actor Model framework to implement a sort-of state-engine-based distributing computing engine. Using a generalized framework for this seemed to introduce many complexities that, in my mind, could potentially be simplified. My weekend project is centered around exploring what can be done out-of-the-box with .NET Core.

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EntityFramework 7 is the defacto ORM used with .NET Core to provide cross-platform compatible data access. EF7 is missing many features that are present in EF6, though. My initial apprehension was that this would create a scenario where one could not use .NET Core if their projects relied on EF6 features. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to get EF6 working with .NET Core. The sacrifice is a loss of cross-platform hosting ability.

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