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Earlier today, I needed to be able to retrieve progress indicators from a long-running stored procedure. The procedure itself executed many different queries, so the idea of sending messages to the client between those queries seemed like a good place to start.

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Entity Framework has a nice feature that allows for child navigation properties/collections to be automatically loaded. Essentially, this translates into SQL table joins.

I know this is old news, but I wanted to share a brief experience while updating my own base repositories.

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Late last week, I ran into an interesting problem. My current web-based project allows users to perform bulk operations on various database records – up to 1000 records at a time. When dealing with a small number of records, performance was adequate. However, when working with 1000 records, performance was completely unacceptable.

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Entity Framework makes it possible to execute scalar-valued functions when querying models. However, it’s not very intuitive to get this working, and it’s not directly possible to map the returned scalar value to an instance of your model. Odd, right?

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Entity Framework uses the Unit of Work pattern. It’s useful, but it doesn’t quite cover all of the bases.

In using a repository pattern, I rely on EF to simply deal with UOW and have not had occasion to go beyond UOW. However, on a recent project, I found that I needed to manage my own transactions.

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I’m still playing with Azure and getting a full fledged application working and hosted using the Azure services. As I showed yesterday, setting up a Web App is pretty easy.

The next step for me involves moving an Entity Framework Database using Migrations to Azure.

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In my previous post discussing profiling Entity Framework, I alluded to DbInterceptors as being able to provide lots of useful functionality. In this post I’ll expand on the DbInterceptor and show a few optimizations / manipulations that I like to perform on EF’s generated queries.

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Profiling a ‘black box’ framework to see exactly how it works and behaves can be edifying. It can also lead to better optimizations/usage of the framework. In my case, it helped diminish the mistrust of Entity Framework.

There are tools like Rhinomocks EF Profiler which allow for inspecting the ObjectContext of Entity Framework. However, if you don’t want to buy additional tools, you can effectively write your own.

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Using Stored Procedures in the latest version of Entity Framework is pretty doable. You lose a lot in terms of flexibility, but sometimes there are trade-offs that one must make. This week I was playing around with converting an application that used a Repository pattern with EF, Lambdas, and IQueryables to StoredProcs for all CRUD operations.

Here are some interesting bits that I learned.

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